The HBO Center Munich
Your first address for hyperbaric oxygen treatment in southern Germany.
You benefit fromour wealth of experience
The effects of pressure on the human organism are as much a part of diving as the water. Since 1996 , diving and hyperbaric medical care for divers has therefore been one of the main areas of service at the HBO-Center Munich.
Our doctors will advise, examine and support you in your diving sport. All of them have many years of diving experience and are certified as diving and hyperbaric physicians according to the guidelines of the Gesellschaft für Tauch- und Überdruckmedizin e. V. ( GTÜM).
You benefit fromour wealth of experience
Since 1996, the HBOCenter has been supporting its patients with medical expertise and a state-of-the-art therapy pressure chamber. Over 12,000 patients-treatments during this time, speeding up the recovery of many thousands of people.
Our treatment focus has always been on the various indications of hyperbaric oxygen therapy as well as on preventive health care for divers and the treatment of divers and the treatment of diving accidents.

Professional and technical expertise with a seal of approval
Our therapy facility is subject to annual maintenance and safety checks by the pressure chamber manufacturer HAUX. We are also certified by the independent safety authority Germanischer Lloyd and TÜV Süd in accordance with § 6 of the Medical DeviceOperator Ordinance.
The HBO Center Munich is a founding member of the Association of German Hyperbaric Chamber Centers (VDD), a professional association that sets the guidelines for safe and professional treatment with hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBO) in Germany.
Let us convince you of our know-how
We look forward to helping you
The doctors at the HBO Center Munich have many years of professional experience and are all qualified as hyperbaric physicians in accordance with the guidelines of the Society for Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine (GTÜM). The same applies to our medical staff, who have also been trained in accordance with the GTÜM guidelines.

Dr. med. Achim Reither
Owner/Medical Director
Specialist in anesthesia and intensive care medicine, emergency medicine, traffic medicine, Pain therapy – acupuncture, diving and hyperbaric medicine (GTÜM)
Dr. med. Max Rist
Facharzt für Anästhesie, Notfallmedizin, Tauch- und Hyperbarmedizin (GTÜM)
Dr. med. Kathrin Anders
Specialist in anesthesia, diving and hyperbaric medicine (GTÜM)

Judith Hesping
Specialist nurse
Specialist nurse for anesthesia & intensive care medicine, pressure chamber specialist
Minky Wittmann
Specialist nurse for anesthesia & intensive care medicine, pressure chamber specialist
Claudia Würschinger
Medical specialist nurse
Hand in hand for the benefit of our patients
We work trustfully and reliably with a number of clinics and general practitioners. Our partners value hyperbaric oxygen therapy as a valuable complementary therapy or treatment alternative in cases of insufficient treatment success or intolerance to standard therapies. Numerous illnesses or complaints of our patients can be alleviated or accelerated in cooperation.
Our cooperation partners in the application of HBO therapy:
- Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich
- Dr. med. Kerstin Lamm: Specialist for tinnitus and hearing disorders, Munich
- ENT Practice Munich Priv.-Doz. Dr. Christoph Klingmann (author of the books “Moderne Tauchmedizin” and “Checkliste Tauchtauglichkeit”)
- Practice clinic for oral surgery and implantology: Dr. Daniel Szabados, Alte Spinnerei Kolbermoor
- Medicine and Aesthetics, Clinic for Oral and Maxillofacial Plastic Surgery: Prof. Dr. Chr. Pautke and Dr. Wolfgang Morche
Are you a doctor and interested in a cooperation?
Our diving partners for the most beautiful hobby in the world:
As a scuba diver, you know, that physical fitness is the basic requirement for our wonderful sport. Do you have enough performance reserves? Let’s find outtogether.
The corresponding examination at the HBO Center Munich includes:
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