Areas of application
The gentle alternative
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is of great benefit wherever oxygen is consumed due to the metabolism, where oxygen is consumed metabolically and is lacking during regeneration and healing. That is why we can use this therapy at the HBO Center Munich effectively for a wide range of both acute, as well as chronic diseases.
Our areas of application
- Wound healing disorders / problem wounds / soft tissue
- Bone and bone marrow diseases
- Prevention and treatment of late effects of radiotherapy
- Acute inner ear diseases / inner ear perceptual disorders
- Headache
- Lyme disease
- Implant operations
- Unfulfilled desire to have children
- Anterior ischemic optic neuropathy (central retinal artery occlusion of the eye)
- Long COVID/Post COVID/Post VAC
- Emergency indications
Wound healing disorders / problem wounds / soft tissue
HBO therapy for diabetic foot syndrome is covered by health insurance. To assess the treatment prospects, a painless oxygen mapping is carried out before the therapy begins. This tests whether the condition of the tissue allows oxygen permeability in the affected areas. After approx. 15 treatments, a profound regeneration process begins due to the formation of new blood vessels.
- Diabetic foot syndrome, Diabetic problem wounds
- Chronische, nicht heilende Wunden
- Skin and/or musculoskeletal graft at risk
- Extensive and/or deep soft tissue damage (crush injury, compartment syndrome)

Bone and bone marrow diseases

When treated with hyperbaric oxygen, patients with aseptic bone necrosis or osteomyelitis often experience a reduction in joint pain and can do without painkillers. HBO therapy allows the oxygen required to regenerate the damaged bone cells to penetrate up to four times further into the tissue from the smallest blood vessels. As a rule, daily treatment takes place for around 3 weeks with approx. 20 treatments in the therapy pressure chamber.
- Chronic inflammation of the periosteum and bones (osteitis, osteomyelitis)
- Circulatory disorders of the bone, so-called. aseptic bone necrosis (including necrosis of the femoral head, Ahlbäck’s disease )
- Impaired bone fracture healing (including calcaneus/talus fractures)
- Bone marrow edema syndrome (BMES )
Prevention and treatment of late effects of radiotherapy
The high concentration of oxygen in the blood causes bone inflammation to heal. The oral surgeon can successfully place implants in a jawbone that is strengthened and well supplied with blood. Depending on the individual condition of the jawbone, approx. 10 treatments with hyperbaric oxygen are required before implant placement.
HBO therapy stimulates the formation of new blood vesselsformation and the formation of connective tissue in the late effects of radiotherapy such as radiation proctitis or radiation cystitis. The alternation of oxygen deficiency and oxygen oversupply causes new blood vessels to grow. For the treatment of radiation proctitis or radiation cystitis , daily treatments of 3 times 30 minutes with medically pure oxygen under positive pressure over a period of at least 3 weeks.
- Osteoradionecrosis in the mouth, jaw and facial area
- Radiation cystitis of the bladder after radiation
- Radiation proctitis in the rectal area after radiation

Acute inner ear diseases / inner ear perceptual disorders

If the standard therapies used for acute hearing disorders were unsuccessful or intolerable, the use of hyperbaric oxygen is a good alternative treatment. For blast/sound trauma, sudden hearing loss and tinnitus , we recommend between 10 and 20 HBO sessions of 2 hours and 15 minutes each, which should be carried out in a compressed period of time.
- Acute hearing loss
- Tinnitus (ringing in the ears)
- Blast trauma, Noise trauma (acute noise damage)
- Meniere’s disease (ringing in the ears, hearing loss and dizziness)
HBO therapy can be used very effectively as part of a multimodal therapy concept to treat your headaches and migraines. The therapy is particularly effective in therapy-resistant cases and with increasing drug intolerance. In the pressure chamber, the contraction of the blood vessels is promoted and the edema is flushed out. Your acute attack often ends after just a few breaths of pure oxygen under hyperbaric conditions. You become pain-free almost immediately.
- in therapy-resistant cases with long-lasting (several days) pain and seizure duration
- with increasing drug intolerance
- Flushing out the edema by reducing the swelling of the nerve cells

Lyme disease

In chronic Lyme disease or. The mechanism of action of HBO therapy in chronic Lyme arthritis has not yet been sufficiently clarified. For this reason , we only use the therapy in exceptional cases . We therefore offer you HBO therapy for chronic Lyme disease or. chronic Lyme disease – especially if several antibiotic therapies have been unsuccessful.
Implant operations
HBO therapy has an accelerating effect on the healing of wounds and bone inflammation. In the context of implantology, the therapy can be before and after the procedure . It optimally prepares the tissue by improving circulation and the increase in oxygen concentration. In addition, the hyperbaric oxygen subsequently helps to reduce inflammation and swelling and thus reduce pain.
- Osteoradionecrosis in the mouth, jaw and facial area (approx. 10 treatments with hyperbaric oxygen before dental implantation)
- Accelerated decongestion of the wound
- Reduction of the risk of infection and promotion of healing in the area of the implant

Unfulfilled desire to have children

For many couples, the pregnancy they hope for is difficult to achieve. A lack of fertility is often the main cause. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy can support this in several ways: It promotes overall physical vitality, regulates hormone levels and can effectively increase the fertility of egg and sperm cells.
- Preparation for a planned fertility treatment
- Increasing the performance of egg and sperm cells
- Support of the hormonal balance for improved fertility
Anterior ischemic optic neuropathy (central retinal artery occlusion of the eye)

Long COVID/post COVID/post VAC syndrome describes symptoms, that are still present more than 12 weeks after contracting COVID-19 and cannot be explained in any other way. The most common symptoms include tiredness, exhaustion and reduced resilience (fatigue), shortness of breath, concentration and memory problems, sleep disorders, muscle weakness and pain. Psychological problems are also frequently described. HBO therapy significantly reduces the lack of oxygen in the necrotic areas and thus helps to alleviate the symptoms, by influencing various transcription factors that regulate cytokines.
- Alleviation of cytokine-induced inflammatory conditions
- Increasing oxygen transport capacity by strengthening the hemoglobin balance
- Individual therapy design depending on the patient ‘s symptoms and state of health


Myalgic encephalomyelitis or chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS for short) is a neuroimmunological disease that severely impairs the quality of life of those affected at work and in everyday life.The disease usually begins following an infection, such as Pfeiffer’s glandular fever, influenza and, in particular, COVID-19. Common symptoms include reduced strength in the hands, orthostatic intolerance, reduced cerebral blood flow, reduced cardiac output, endothelial dysfunction and significant concentration and memory problems. Various studies report that low glutathione levels can be the trigger for these symptoms. According to studies, HBO therapy appears to increase the concentration of glutathione.
- Increasing the glutathione level through high doses of oxygen
- Protection against harmful oxidative and nitrosative processes in the brain
- Individual therapy design depending on the patient ‘s symptoms and state of health
Emergency indications
- Diving accident / compressed air accident (decompression sickness)
- Carbon monoxide poisoning, Smoke inhalation
- Air and gas embolisms
- Gas gangrene and other necrotizing soft tissue infections